
Other Payment Options

Payment Options

Payment for services rendered is due at the time of service. This helps to minimize billing and mailing costs, which would otherwise be reflected in higher cost of care to our patients. Services may be paid by using cash, check, VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, or DISCOVER. Written estimates are given prior to any extensive treatment.


We also work with CareCredit to provide payment plans for large dental treatment cases. Click on the button to the left to apply today.

Dental Insurance

Dental Insurance or “Dental Assistance” as it should be called, is designed to help you pay part of the cost of dental treatment. You should be aware that dental insurance is not designed to pay all of the cost of treatment, but rather to be a partial aid. As a courtesy to you, we will handle the paperwork involved with your insurance. Please feel free to call or come by any time if you have questions.